
About Us

Mid Cheshire Beekeepers (MCBK)

MCBK was established as a new branch of the Cheshire Beekeepers Association (CBKA) in 2012. We currently have around 100 members and our membership continues to grow as we welcome new beekeepers into the branch.

We hold a variety of events throughout the year including monthly talks on a range of beekeeping subjects, most of which are held during the autumn and winter months and take place at the Blue Cap in Sandiway near Northwich. During the spring and summer months, when the bees become more active, we organise visits to members apiaries where we can observe their hive inspections and discuss topical beekeeping issues.

In addition to these meetings, we run training courses and a mentoring programme for new and prospective beekeepers.
By joining MCBK you automatically become a member of the county and national beekeeping associations described below and thereby enjoy the benefits of these organisations such as monthly newsletters, insurance cover and access to all their meetings and events.

If you would like to join MCBK then please download and send your completed form to the CBKA Secretary by post to:
The Secretary, Cheshire Beekeepers’ Association, Magpie Manor, Wistaston Green Road, Crewe, CW2 8SA or by e-mail to: [email protected]

Anyone joining during the last quarter of 2024 will get membership through to 31st December 2025.

Cheshire Beekeepers Association (CBKA)

CBKA originated with the formation of the joint Lancashire and Cheshire Association in 1882, some eight years after the formation of the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA). It has a total membership of around 900 and consists of five branches spread across the county: Mid Cheshire; North Cheshire; South Cheshire; Wirral; Stockport.

Each year CBKA holds a Spring Convention (with AGM) and an Autumn Convention (with Honey Show) during which members can attend talks given by national speakers and have the opportunity to examine and purchase beekeeping books and equipment from local suppliers.

Cheshire Beekeepers Association Cheshire Beekeepers’ Association (

North Cheshire Beekeepers Association

South Cheshire Beekeepers Association

Wirral Beekeepers Association

Stockport Beekeepers Association

British Beekeepers Association (BBKA)

BBKA was founded in 1874 and originally brought together some 26 county beekeeping associations, not to replicate their work, but to be in a stronger position to represent their interests at government level and to facilitate a nationwide educational structure supported by a common examination process. It has a total membership of around 28,000 beekeepers.

British Beekeepers Association (

The BBKA produces a series of leaflets on various aspects of beekeeping
which can be downloaded from here or via their website.