

MCBK Beginners Training

During the winter months our branch will be offering some training sessions
for those thinking about or just starting out in beekeeping.

Between January and March 2025 experienced MCBK beekeepers will deliver a series of
six Zoom sessions covering all you need to know for your first year of beekeeping.

Topics covered will include:

An introduction to the honeybee
How to get started
What’s inside the beehive
The beekeeping seasons
Honeybee health, pests and diseases
Bee nutrition and local forage
The honey harvest and other hive products

    The sessions will be held at approximately fortnightly intervals at 7:30 pm on Monday evenings starting on
    Monday 27th January 2025, and will be preceded by an introductory event on Wednesday 22nd January.
    The cost for the series of sessions and supporting materials is £40 per person with places reserved on a

    first come first served basis. If you would like to join the training sessions please e-mail us at:
    [email protected]

    Practical (hands-on) Training

    Following on from the theory training we will be running practical (hands-on) training sessions during
    Spring-Summer 2025. These sessions will most probably be held on Saturday afternoons at the
    MCBK Apiary at Grozone in Northwich ( Each session will last
    approximately 3 hours and the practical training will encompass the following topics:

    Checking that you have the basic equipment and how to use it correctly
    Hive hygiene
    Loading and lighting a smoker

    Records – what is needed and why
    Planning the hive visit – what you want to achieve
    Weather – is it fit to inspect
    Regular inspections
    Approaching the hive and assessing the colony
    Inspection techniques and practices
    Bee diseases and pests – what to look out for
    Swarm prevention and control
    The bees and hive during the season
    Honey – extraction and jarring
    Winter preparation and closing the hive

    Although the theory course leads on to the practical training the two courses can be taken independently.

    If you would like further information about either the theory or practical courses please contact us by e-mail at:
    [email protected]