Mid Cheshire Beekeepers (MCBK) is one of five branches in the Cheshire Beekeeping Association (CBKA), the others being North Cheshire, South Cheshire, Wirral and Stockport. Established in 2012, MCBK is the youngest CBKA branch and now has around one hundred members, many of whom have just started beekeeping.
We aim to promote the craft of beekeeping and increase public awareness of the importance of honeybees and other pollinating insects to our well-being and existence. To this end we provide training and mentoring for new beekeepers, hold meetings on a range of subjects for both novice and experienced beekeepers, host apiary visits, organise stands at various shows throughout the county, and give talks to schools and local community organisations.
If you are interested in becoming a beekeeper, please come along to any of our branch meetings listed on the Events page of this website where you will be most welcome. If you wish to join MCBK then please download and complete the membership form shown on the About Us page of this website.


“What good looks like and dealing with problem colonies”
Kevin Thorn (Stour Valley Apiaries)
Monday 3rd February (7.30 pm) – via Zoom
Kevin is a bee-farmer running 100 colonies plus nucs in and around Sudbury in Suffolk. He breeds his own locally adapted bees using drone flooding and, together with his wife Julie, markets wholesale honey across East Anglia and beeswax cosmetics across the UK. Kevin also works with BIBBA to promote and reintroduce the native British honey bee. Based on Ted Hooper’s five questions (and a sixth that he has added), Kevin will explore what you should expect to see through the season, how to deal with problem colonies, and when to take immediate action or wait and see.
This is a Zoom talk that all CBKA members are welcome to attend and can be booked through the CBKA webpage https://cheshirebka.co.uk/events/mid-cheshire-branch-meeting-inspections/ (login required)
Please contact Ian Turley at [email protected] if you have any questions about this meeting.